How to Sleep With A New Tattoo: All You Need To Know

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You just got a new tattoo, the excitement is real. But all of that is overshadowed by the fact that now you need to sleep with it.

Will Sleeping On A Tattoo Ruin It?

Sleeping on your fresh new tattoo can ruin it.

Fresh tattoos are basically open wounds on your body, and need time to heal. The open wound could get stuck to your bed sheet, or get infected with bacteria.

You may also accidentally scratch it while you’re sleeping. That increases the chances of infection and reduces the ink’s color fastness causing the color to become duller.

As prevention, a sterile bandage should be used to cover fresh tattoos. The best options are medical-grade adhesives and protective tattoo films like Saniderm.

How long after a tattoo can you sleep on it?

It’s best not to sleep on your new tattoo for at least 4 to 7 days. You can sleep on your new tattoo after it has healed and scabbed over.

The aim is to do everything possible to avoid putting any pressure on your tattoo and keeping it away from anything else, at least as much as possible.

Because a healing tattoo needs abundant fresh air and oxygen, so try your best to avoid blocking air circulation from it while sleeping.

Here are our top 7 tips on how to sleep with a new tattoo

Getting Enough Sleep

The best way to heal your new tattoo is by getting enough sleep. Your body recovers better with at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

Not only does this help you recover from the day, it also allows skin cells to rejuvenate and grow faster – speeding up the healing process for your tattoos.

The Importance Of Sleep In The Healing Process

During sleep, your body is performing essential healing and repair. Without it you can’t recover well from injuries like a new tattoo.

Make Sure To Use Clean Bed Sheets

Your skin is already healing. So there’s no need to put it at risk by sleeping on dirty bed sheets. Use clean cotton or silk sheets, and make sure they are colorfast.

Cotton sheets are best for new tattoos. The material will be less likely to stick to your fresh tattoo and ruin it. They also allow air circulation around your skin easily which aids the healing process. Since they’re hypoallergenic, they also reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

What To Do If Your Skin Gets Stuck To The Bedsheets?

DO NOT TEAR IT OFF. The worst thing you can do in this instance is to just pull the sheet away from your skin. As you may end up pulling the ink off your skin, and delay healing times.

Instead, you should dab warm water to the stuck sheet to soften it. Then slowly peel the stuck part off your skin. Once you free the tattoo, wash it with lukewarm water to clean off any debris left behind.

Happy lady with face mask wearing loose clothing with tattoo on body

Wear Comfortable & Soft Pajamas

Avoid wearing tight clothing while you’re sleeping. The skin needs to breathe and be able to swell a little bit overnight, so avoid anything that might cause discomfort or limit this ability.

Loose fitting pajamas made from soft cotton are best for your tattoos. They allow the fresh tattooed skin plenty of room to breathe without putting additional pressure on it.

Keep The Adhesive Wrap On Overnight

A common question asked is whether you should wrap your tattoo at night? The short answer is yes you should. This is the best way to keep your tattoo safe, secure and clean while you sleep. At least for the first few days.

There are medical-grade adhesives available like Saniderm that are specially created for this purpose. These adhesives can be left on all day and night, you could even shower with them on (but it’s best to leave the actual tattoo wrapping out of the water).

These bandages won’t let anything get in or touch your new tattoo, including your bed sheets. Plus they’ll keep you from touching or scratching your new tattoo when you’re not aware of it.

How to Wrap Your Tattoo Before Sleeping: What you need to know.

Generally, tattoo artists will advise you to keep your tattoo wrapped for the first few nights (up-to 3-4). If you’re ever in doubt, consult your tattoo artist for instructions.

It’s important to keep your tattoo wrapped before sleeping because it reduces the chances of you accidentally scratching or touching it while asleep, which could lead to infections and other complications.

Below is a list of steps that will allow you to wrap your new tattoo while keeping risk factors to a minimum.

Note: Avoid using plastic cling film as it causes perspiration and traps germs to your wound.

Step 1: Clean the tattoo wound. We recommend using Clorox disinfecting wipes or Wipe Outz Tattoo Towels to clean the surface of your tattoo. Alternatively, gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water.

Step 2: Dry the area using a clean set of towels. Be sure to pat dry, rather than rubbing the area. Rubbing can cause scabbing and slow down your tattoo’s healing process.

Step 3: Apply a thin layer of antibacterial ointment or Vaseline to the tattooed skin to keep it moisturized.

Step 4: Wait 30 minutes – 1 hour, and ensure that the tattoo area is dry before you wrap your tattoo with Saniderm.

Make sure that the wrapping is secure, but not too tight that it could compromise blood flow from your body.

You should also change the dressing every day to allow the area underneath a chance to breathe.

dog in bed with man's tattooed arm

Avoid Sleeping With Your Pets

If you have pets that get on your bed, try to keep them off for a few days after getting your tattoo.

This is because pets will often want to cuddle with you. If they get their claws or fur on your new tattoo, it can cause an infection and a lot of damage.

So it’s best to keep them off the bed and let your skin heal in peace for at least a few days after getting inked.

Pick A Sleeping Position That Keeps You Off Of The Tattoo

This is the hard part, especially if you sleep in the same posture and have an extremely inconvenient tattoo placement.

That said, a healing tattoo needs lots of fresh air and oxygen, so try picking a sleeping position that keeps your tattoo off the sheets (to prevent sticking) and allows airflow to move over it throughout the night.

If you want to speed up the healing process, consider raising your tattooed region. This will decrease drainage and swelling in that area which is key for faster recovery!

tattooed man with a beer to his face

Avoid Drinking or Smoking

Alcohol and cigarettes are two things that you should avoid after getting a tattoo.

Not only do they slow down the healing process but will make your body weaker at fighting off infections. 

This means it’s better to stay away from alcohol for a few weeks, especially if you’re taking painkillers!



For most people, tattoos are nothing more than a great way to express themselves.

However, if you’re interested in getting one (or already have), it’s important that you keep the tattoo wrapped and covered before sleeping for at least three days after receiving this new wound.

Otherwise your risk of infection dramatically increases!

In addition to this, make sure you take care of the tattoo while it’s healing. This means not touching or scratching your wound and avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol!

If you have any questions about caring for a new tattoo, feel free to leave them in the comments below. We’re always happy to help!


Should I Wrap My Tattoo When I Sleep?

It’s important to keep your new tattoo wrapped and covered before sleeping for at least three days after receiving this new wound.

Otherwise, your risk of infection dramatically increases!

Plus it also helps prevent any accidental scratching or bleeding that can happen while you sleep.

How long should you keep a new tattoo covered?

A typical healing time is about three weeks. But It really depends on the person, so it’s best to ask your tattoo artist what they recommend for you.

Typically tattoo artists will tell you to keep your new tat covered up with gauze and medical tape for at least 2-3 days after the application, then bandaids or just loose clothing for a few more days before that icky part of the tattoo is fully healed.

How Long After A Tattoo Can You Sleep On It?

Typically, those who want to sleep on their tattoo can do so as soon as it is healed and the skin around the tattoo is at least semi-resistant.

The healing process for a full color tattoo can last anywhere from one week to up to six or more depending upon factors such as location, size and treatment with antibacterial ointment.

If it helps, you may wear specialized garments (Saniderm) designed specifically for protecting tattoos during sleep.

Can I Sleep On Top Of My New Tattoo?

Nope. Your tattoo is an open wound and it’s necessary to keep the area clean and dry when healing. It’s a good idea to avoid sleeping on your new tattoo for the first week, but it will be just fine after that. Just try not to lay directly on it and you’re good! 

Can I Sleep On My Tattoo With Saniderm?

You can sleep on a tattoo with Saniderm, but you might want to consult the directions on the packaging first. There are some variables to consider when sleeping on a new tattoo that include what tattoo design you have and how you apply it.


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