Do Weighted Blankets Really Work?

woman underneath a weighted blanket
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Have you heard of weighted blankets (aka gravity blanket)? They are more and more popular these days, but what do they actually do and how can they help your sleep? Find out the benefits of weighted blankets in this article!

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence on the internet that claims that weighted blankets work wonders, but what does the science say?

A study published in The National Library of Medicine found that when participants used a weighted blanket, they had a longer period of deep sleep, a better sleep routine and felt less anxious and stressed.

Furthermore, a study by the Journal of Sleep Medicine showed that patients with insomnia reported a better night’s rest and had greater reductions in fatigue, anxiety, and depression symptoms than those who weren’t using weighted blankets.

Do heavy blankets make you sleep better?

Yes! A weighted blanket is like getting a big hug, which can help you feel more secure and relaxed. This feeling of security can help you fall asleep and sleep better throughout the night.

What is a weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket is a blanket that has been filled with pellets, usually plastic pellets or glass beads, to make it heavier than a traditional blanket. They are much heavier than regular blankets, usually between 15 and 30 pounds.

woman sleeping on a bed in the clouds

Why sleep with a weighted blanket?

Weighted blankets can help improve your mood, decrease anxiety and stress levels, increase deep sleep cycles (and more!) which helps you feel rested when you wake up in the morning!

Who doesn’t want to feel better rested and reduce sleep problems without the use of sleep medicine? If you’re looking for an easy way to get these benefits, a weighted blanket might be the answer for you!

What are the benefits of sleeping with a weighted blanket?

A heavy blanket mimics the same feeling of holding someone close and is excellent for those who like pressure to feel comforted and secure. 

That sense of security has been proven to help with plenty of sleep disorders and lower anxiety.

This is achieved through deep pressure touch stimulation or DPTS, a type of therapy that applies pressure to the body in order to relax.

Deep pressure stimulation

Deep pressure stimulation is a sensation that is created by soft materials such as pillows or weighted blankets. Sensations of deep pressure can create a feeling of security, reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system.

They are also helpful if you have chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia because it provides constant soothing pressure, which has been shown to be an effective treatment for this condition.

woman waking up stretching and smiling

Standard benefits of a weighted blanket:

– Decrease anxiety and stress levels.

– Increase deep sleep cycles (and more!).

Emotional benefits:

– Improve mood and feelings of well being.

– Create a feeling of security for those who feel vulnerable or insecure in their environment.

– Calm the nervous system.

– Decreases feelings of loneliness.

Physical benefits:

– Deep pressure stimulation relieves sensory processing disorder symptoms like hypersensitivity to sound, sight and touch.

Alleviate ADHD symptoms (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) by providing deep pressure stimulation that can help with focus and concentration during the day. This is also helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep because of ADHD.

– Weighted blankets can reduce chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia with it’s gentle pressure stimulation.

Can weighted blankets be harmful?

Weighted blankets should not be harmful as long as they are used correctly. They should never be so heavy that you feel uncomfortable or cannot move them. 

If you’re using a weighted blanket for the first time, start with a light weight and add more weight over time if needed.

Who can benefit from using weighted blankets?

Sleeping with a weighted blanket can provide a number of benefits, from decreased anxiety and stress levels to increased deep sleep cycles! 

Anyone can benefit from sleeping with weighted blankets, but it is especially helpful for those who suffer from anxiety or chronic pain conditions.

family sleeping in bed with a weighted blanket

Who is it for:

– Anyone looking for a way to relax and destress.

– Those with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia because it provides constant gentle pressure throughout the entire body, which has been shown to be an effective treatment for this condition.

– Anyone who has trouble falling asleep from ADHD.

– Anyone who wants to reduce feelings of loneliness.

– Parents with kids who struggle to fall asleep.

– People with autism because it can help calm them down during meltdowns when using a weighted blanket.

Who should not sleep with a weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket may be the perfect solution for most people, but it’s not right for everyone. 

Weighted blankets should not be used by:

– Those with respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma.

– Those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which causes disrupted breathing during sleep.

– Those who suffer from claustrophobia, a fear of closed spaces.

How to choose the right weighted blanket?

Choosing the right weighted blanket can be a tricky decision, go too heavy and you might find yourself struggling to move, too light and you may not feel the benefits.

It depends on your body weight

The best way to choose a weighted blanket is to start with a light weight and add more weight over time if needed.

Good weighted blankets will have a cover that can be removed and washed. It’s also important to find one that is the right size for you, if it’s too small or large it may not be as effective.

How heavy should a weighted blanket be for adults?

Weighted blankets typically have weights ranging from around five pounds up to 30 pounds. 

You should choose a weight that feels heavy but not overwhelming for you, 10-15% of your body weight is the safest bet if you’re unsure what would be best.

woman in bed lifting her child up and having fun

How heavy should a weighted blanket be for a child?

A weighted blanket for small children should be around five to ten percent of their body weight. 

You can start with a lighter weight and add more if needed, but it’s important not to go too heavy as it may be overwhelming. 

At the end of the day, a weighted blanket should provide comforting sensory stimuli for your child to stay asleep all night long.

How heavy should a weighted blanket be for older adults?

It’s vital for people with mobility difficulties to have a blanket that they can easily fling off. 

When it comes to choosing the right weighted blanket, keep in mind that older adults may need assistance removing and wrapping themselves in a blanket. 

You should also consider their health conditions when it comes to choosing a weighted blanket. If you’re ever in doubt, speak with your occupational therapists.

Can you use a weighted blanket all night?

Absolutely, if you are comfortable with it. There are few things that are as emotionally soothing as being cozy and bundled up. For some people, the feeling of being wrapped up in a weighted blanket is akin to coming home after a hard day.

Research has shown that the benefits of a weighted blanket go beyond just improving sleep quality.

Scientists have found that when someone uses a weighted blanket, it lowers their cortisol levels and boosts neurotransmitters in the brain. 

This can help to combat depression and make people feel more relaxed immediately after use.

two kids under a weighted blanket reading a book and smiling happily


Weighted blankets may be the solution for anyone looking to relieve anxiety or feel more relaxed.

The benefits of weighted blanket’s go beyond just a good night’s rest, they also reduce cortisol levels and boost neurotransmitters in the brain which can help combat depression and make people feel more relaxed after use.

When it comes to choosing a weighted blanket, it’s important to consider the weight and cover. Make sure that it is not too heavy or overwhelming for you, but instead allows you to feel a sense of safety and security.

You should also look for one with a removable and washable cover as this will make it easier to keep your blanket as clean and hygienic as possible.

If you are looking for a way to improve sleep, reduce stress levels, or simply feel more relaxed – a weighted blanket may be the perfect solution for you!


Is it OK to use a weighted blanket every night?

Yes, using a weighted blanket every night is completely safe. Benefits include: reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, decreased ADHD symptoms (such as hyperactivity and impulsiveness) and less insomnia.

Can sleeping with a weighted blanket be bad?

There are very few risks involved with using a weighted blanket, however It can be bad to use a weighted blanket if it’s too heavy or if you have some sort of allergy or sensitivity to it.

But for the most part, the benefits are so incredible that many people don’t need any convincing to sleep with one.

How long does it take to get used to sleeping with a weighted blanket?

Around a month, although it may happen sooner. The transition can be difficult if you’re not used to having weight on you when you sleep.

In order for this new sensation to become comfortable, you must slowly acclimate your body and brain to the feeling of weight by taking steps over a few days or weeks before going from light application of weight to a heavy blanket.

The truth is that if you can stay with it, weighted blankets will provide excellent benefits in the long run! 

A weighted blanket provides soothing pressure which increases relaxation at night resulting in a good night’s rest by reducing tossing and turning/insomnia-related behaviors.

Can you sleep on your side with a weighted blanket?

Yes, a weighted blanket may be used on your side, without affecting the deep pressure touch stimulation that the weight provides. As long as you can feel the evenly distributed weight of the heavy blanket.

Weighted blankets improve sleep and offer benefits such as deep pressure therapy and promoting healthy sleep health compared to regular throw blankets.



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woman underneath a weighted blanket

Do Weighted Blankets Really Work?

Have you heard of weighted blankets (aka gravity blanket)? They are more and more popular these days, but what do they actually do and how can they help your sleep? Find out the benefits of weighted blankets in this article!