How To Keep Weighted Blanket From Sliding Off Bed: 6 Easy Hacks

woman smiling under blanket
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Do you struggle to keep your weighted blanket on the bed? We’ve got a few tips that will help you out!

Weighted blankets are great for anxiety, sensory processing disorder, autism, and insomnia. But if they slide off your bed all night long it defeats the purpose of having one at all. What a waste of money! Here are 6 easy hacks that will ensure your blanket stays put all night long!

How to Keep Weighted Blanket From Sliding Off Bed:

1. Choose a fabric with good grip

Some fabrics have a better grip than others when it comes to keeping a weighted blanket in place. Materials like silk especially, tend to move around more than cotton or fleece.

If the weighted blanket fabric you bought doesn’t have a good grip, you can buy a cover for it that is made of the fabric mentioned above.

Also, switch from satin or silk bed sheets to cotton. Satin feels slippery to the touch and increases the chance of the weighted blanket sliding off of the bed.

silky fabric

2. Add another layer for security

To anchor your weighted blanket, place another blanket or a quilt to the foot of the bed. This will help keep the blanket from slipping off the bed.

You can also add a cotton flat sheet or flannel underneath it to increase its grip, much like adding a cover to the blanket.

Since a weighted blanket is already pretty heavy, you wouldn’t add another heavy layer on top to weigh it down. It may ruin the deep touch pressure element that these blankets are best known for.

3. Use a blanket suspender or bedding strap

Blanket suspenders aka bedding straps are a great way to keep your weighted blanket in place. They clip onto the corners of the blanket and attach to the bed frame or headboard, preventing it from slipping off. It’s also super easy to use and completely removable.

They usually come in two ends with an adjustable strap in between. There are several ways to go about it.

1. Clip one end to the bottom edge of the blanket and tuck it into the bottom of the bed. Then clip the remaining end cross-wise or diagonal to the blanket and fasten it.

2. Clip one end on the inside of the blanket and fasten the other end directly below into the bottom of the mattress.

4. Sew DIY accessories onto the blanket

If you want to do it yourself, there are a few simple ways to add some extra grip to your weighted blanket to keep it on the bed. Sew on some DIY accessories:

Velcro: Sew a strip of Velcro onto the underside of the blanket. 

– Ribbons/Elastic: Use ribbons or even better, elastics to sew into the four corners of the blanket and tie them around the bed frame or headboard. Just be extra careful to ensure the fillings in the blanket don’t escape while you are sewing.

Grippy dots: Stick some grippy dots onto the underside of the blanket. You would usually do this underneath the furniture to prevent it from slipping. This will help the blanket stick to the bedsheets too. P.S. It’s not wash-proof though.

5. Choose a correct size blanket 

One of the main reasons why weighted blankets slip off beds is because they are often too big! We think the bigger the better, but this is not the case.

The general rule for blanket weight is to buy one that is 10% of your body weight. So if you weigh 150 lbs, then choose a 15-pound weighted blanket.

Buy the blanket size according to the size of your bed. E.g. A queen-sized bed should fit a queen-sized weighted blanket.

6. Don’t sleep with a partner

Our final and easiest tip is too easy to follow! Ditch your man, they tend to overhead and kick blankets off at night anyway.

Jokes aside, if you live with someone and tend to toss and turn at night, it might be a better idea to not share the bed while using a weighted blanket. Sleeping with someone else increases the chances of the blanket slipping off.

If you insist to share a weighted blanket as a couple, make sure you are buying the correct size blanket measured against your body weight. 

couple shring a bed under blanket


How to keep weighted blanket on bed all night long? There are many clever and easy ways to ensure that you’ll have restful sleep with your beloved blanket. Choose the correct blanket fabric and size, add on another layer, use some bedding accessories or just sleep without a partner. Let us know which method worked the best for you!


Why do my blankets keep falling off my bed?

Because of all the tossing and turning! It’s hard to keep blankets on when you’re constantly moving around. And while a silky blanket might make you feel a little sexier, they won’t do anything to help your weighted blanket slides off bed. 

How to use weighted blanket on bed?

You can use a weighted blanket on top of your bedding or below it. You should make sure to cover your whole body with it. The weight of the blanket will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

How to keep weighted blanket from bunching?

The best way to avoid the weighted blanket from bunching is to tie the strings found inside the cover through the weighted blanket loops. This will help keep it in place and prevent it from moving around while you’re sleeping.  

What are the loops for on my weighted blanket?

The loops on the blanket prevent it from bunching up into one corner.



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